Here are the 5 essential moves you can incorporate into a workout routine NOW to begin seeing and feeling a stronger, healthier body. If you’re new to fitness, start with doing this routine once a day (that’s only 5 minutes a day!). As you become more comfortable and confident in the routine, work up to performing the circuit 5x through.
Make sure to have a timer, towel, and water at hand!
Stand with a Swiss ball behind your back and pressed up against a wall. Your feet should be slightly in front of you and shoulder-width apart. Squat down, keeping your heels flat and knees out, letting the Swiss ball roll up your back. Hold your arms out for balance. Stand and return to the starting position.Trainer’s Tips:
- Do not put your feet directly underneath your shoulders. Put them a little bit ahead of your body.
- Make sure you initiate the movement with your hips, not your knees.
- Do not let your heels come off the floor.
This move can be modified to be performed without a ball.
2.) PUSH-UPS – 30 SECS
Place hands a little more than shoulder’s width apart, your core in one straight line (don’t let the back dip or the butt to rise). Slowly breathe in as you bend your elbows and lower your upper body toward the floor in a slow, controlled motion, maintaining a 90 degree angle with your arms (don’t let your elbows go past your back). Hold the position for 1 second, then breathe out and slowly push yourself back until your arms are straight.Trainer’s Tip:Place your hands on a wall and chair and perform the movement there until you are strong enough to take it to the floor.
Assume a push-up position with your back flat and core tight. Bring your right knee to your chest with your toes on the ground. Drive your right leg backward until it’s straight and simultaneously bring your left knee to your chest. Continue bringing your knees to your chest in an alternating fashion. Do not bounce up and down.Trainer’s Tip:Place your hands on the chair and assume a plank position. Place your toes in the middle of the paper plates or two thick towels, and perform the same movement.
Stand upright with feet shoulder width apart. Take a large step backward with your left foot. Lower your hips so that your right thigh (front leg) becomes parallel to the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle. Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with your left heel lifted. Return to standing by pressing your right heel into the floor and bringing your left leg forward to complete one rep. Alternate legs, and step back with right leg.Trainer’s Tip: For extra stability, modify the movement by placing the back of a chair directly in front of you, and lightly holding the chair with your hands.
Stand with your feet together and arms at your side. In one motion, jump your feet out to the sides and raise your arms above your head. Immediately reverse the motion back to starting position. Keep your arms straight at all times, stay light on your feet, and jump as quietly as possible (this means that your core is remaining engaged).Trainer’s Tip: Try the jumping jacks seated on a stability ball.
Have fun and start slow – the goal is to do them everyday!